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Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Step by Step Setup of a Trixbox Server and Polycom Soundpoint IP 501 SIP

A Step by Step Setup of a Trixbox Server and Polycom Soundpoint IP 501 SIP

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1. Login into you new trixbox server with the username: root and the password you selected during installation (command console or remote connection via ssh client like putty).

2. When you log in the system will tell you what IP address it received from your DHCP server. You can give the system a permanent address now by typing netconfig. If you reconfigured the IP address restart the network by typing service network restart.

2.1 In executing the command help-trixbox, the Help commands and descriptions are printed in the screen.

trixbox login screen.JPG

2.2 The command passwd-maint, is a help command that set master password for web GUI.

Note: You need to execute this command before switching a user mode (in the web GUI).

2.3 The command Setup-polycom, is a help commands that creates Polycom default files in /tftpboot.

Note: You need to execute this command after switching mode and after assigning ip addresses to all Polycom Phones.

2.4 To continue configuration connect to your system with a web browser, Enter the web GUI URL address.

2.5 Click on Switch next to User Mode this will open the Admin GUI. Login with user:maint pass:password

trixbox switch user mode screen.bmp

2.6 Admin GUI screen will open. Click on Asterisk -> FreePBX. This will open the FreePBX configuration GUI Admin Screen

2.7 Click Setup -> Administrator Fill the required fields for

Username: Sample
Department: IT
EXTension Range: 6211 to 6299
Admin Access:
For default settings highlight ALL SECTIONS

Click Submit Changes and when you are done click the red commit bar at the top of the screen Apply Configuration Changes , then Click Extension to open Extension screen.

2.8 In Add an Extension Menu -> Generic SIP Device -> click Submit -> another screen will be extended and Fill the required fields for

User Extension: 6211
Display Name: Ehrwin Mina
Secret: 6211
<- Just put the extension number too
Leave other setting in default

Click Submit and when you are done click the red commit bar at the top of the screen Apply Configuration Changes. Continue adding extension until completing the ranges that you need.

2.9 You have a PBX now you need a phone to configure.

Configuring the Polycom SoundPoint IP 501 SIP Device. At this point, I recommend you go in through the interface on the phone itself to configure as much as you can. Why? Because as I mentioned earlier, the web interface takes forever to become active after a reboot, and it has to reboot a LOT if you do all this on the web. Fortunately, most of the settings can be done on the phone fact, only tweaks for setting up the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) light functionality and registering the Asterisk server under the individual lines need be doneon the web interface.

Press the Menu button, then go to "3. Settings..." and then "2. Advanced...". Enter in the admin password of 456 again. Choose "Admin Settings..." and then "Reset to Default" and "Reset Local Config." IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, SOME OF THE SETTINGS YOU MAKE BELOW WILL NOT BE SAVED. You need to overwrite the data that was in the XML configuration files on the TFTP server. (By the way, you can use the Format File System option under this menu to completely wipe everything away, including all ROM files and most settings, and start over from scratch.)

After rebooting, go back to Menu/Settings/Advanded and put in the following important settings:

1. Admin Settings
1. Network Configuration
This is the same as you edited during boot, for reference.

DHCP Client: Disabled
Phone IP Addr:
Subnet Mask:
IP Gateway:
for now leave other setting for default/Disabled
Save config -> Reboot phone

3. Using the EndPoint Manager screen, to configure the Polycom phone extension. Click on Asterisk -> EndPoint Manager (a screen will open like the screenshot ehrwin mina below).

trixbox End Point Manager screen.bmp

3.1 Click Polycom Phones -> FreePBX Device ID {choose for extension with username} -> Phone Type {IP 501} -> Mac Address {0004F2059676} -> click Submit button.

trixbox End Point Manager Add Phone screen.bmp

3.2 click Submit button. A list of Manage Polycom Phone are present in the screen (this feature also applicable in cisco’s voip units)

trixbox End Point Manager Add Phone screen 2.bmp

3.3 Using EndPoint Manager Map Devices features. Click on Asterisk -> EndPoint Manager (a screen will open like the screenshot below) -> GO button and wait for the list of Map Devices.

trixbox End Point Manager Add Phone screen 3.bmp

3.4 Using EndPoint Map Devices features, to configure the extension line of every Polycom Phones. Click on IP Address (a screen will open like the screenshot below).

Polycom configuring extension 6211 screen.bmp

3.5 Configuring the extension line of every Polycom Phones. Click on Line1 or Register1, Login with user:Polycom pass:456 (a screen will open like the screenshot below).

Polycom configuring extension 6222 screen.bmp3.5 Fill all required information need list below (a screen will open like the screenshot below).

Line1: ...

This sub-menu is one of three, with Line2 and Line3 allowing you to add up
to three different extensions to the phone. There are three soft buttons
along the left of the display which show these lines. For the purposes
of this config (and what most people will do anyway), you'll have all
three of these lines show up as the same extension, so people can receive
and make multiple calls simultaneously.

Display Name

A mostly useless feature; does not override caller ID. Just put the person's name there.


This is the extension number in Asterisk. To continue the example,
we'll set this as 510 to match our Asterisk config.

Auth User ID

Put the extension number in here again.

Auth Password

This is where you put the "password=" or "secret=" value from your
sip.conf file. In our example, this was "polycom" or the extension number.

Num Line Keys / Third Party Name

Here is where you tell the phone how many soft buttons to assign

this line. As mentioned above, we'll put 3 here so that we have
three instances of the line.

Server Address

Put the Trixbox server IP address in here.

Server Port

Put 5060 in here.

Server Expires

Put 3600 in here.

Server Register

Put the 1in here. Enable to register lines with the Asterisk server under the Line1

3.6 Click Submit (a screen will open like the screenshot below).

Leave other setting in default that are not listed here.

Wait for the Polycom Phones finish rebooting, You can now start using the trixbox with Polycom phone extensions.

copyright of ECM register

phpmyadmin authentication timeout

I'm just an occasional user of phpmyadmin, but some colleagues who heavily works on databases told me that they were really annoyed by the fact that after a quite short amount of time they needed to authenticate again.

The problem is that the cookie authentication set the lifetime of the cookie itself to 1800 seconds (30 minutes); after 30 minutes you need to login again.

If you like to change this behavior, edit the file /etc/phpmyadmin/ and add the following line:

$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 18000;

this will set the lifetime of the cookie to 5 hours (18000 seconds).

Note: this solution came from

Its working fine with my phpmyadmin.

An error occurred opening that folder on the FTP Server, Make sure you have permission to access that folder

The error is 'An error occurred opening that folder on the FTP Server, Make sure you have permission to access that folder. Details: The connection with the server was reset'. Here's a few behaviours we've seen so far:

Case 1: Going to gave the error but going to was fine. Then going back to was fine too.

Case 2: Opening in IE was fine, but then opening it in Windows explorer gave the error.

Case 3: Browsing was working fine, but then browsing into the /content sub-folder or /shareware sub-folders gave the error. Browsing into the /builds folder worked fine, and then browsing back into the /content or /shareware subfolders were fine too.


Update the proftp packages by hitting the commands apt-get dist-upgrade then it will prompt for a step by step instruction (default setting is still the best for it)